Friday, 5 June 2015

US National Doughnut Day

The first Friday of June is one of US favorite days of the year, because it's National Donuts Day! This annual celebration is marked by bakeries giving away the toroidial sweets for free , and we're already looking forward to where we'll grab one (or two, or three) on June 5 this year.As you might expect, Donut Day is a huge deal for the country's three main donut chains: Dunkin' Donuts, Krispy Kreme, and Tim Hortons .In the past, we've also seen Cumberland Farms convenience stores give away a donut with purchase, and TastyKake have a giveaway sweepstakes on Facebook. That's right, National Donut Day dates back to 1938, when it was started by the Salvation Army to recognize their volunteers who had served donuts to soldiers overseas in World War I, and to raise money for the needy. So maybe you can keep your favorite charity in mind when thinking about what to do with the money you saved on donuts that day.Tomato, To-mah-to. The abbreviated "donut" spelling has actually been around since the 1800s. Doughnut is the original term dating back at least a century earlier, but the shorter version is now five times more prevalent in Google searches, possibly due to the popularity of Dunkin' Donuts. So if you're a spelling
originalist, the tide might be turning against you. (Even the Salvation Army has seemingly transitioned the name of the holiday to the new spelling!)

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